The liquid can be recycled back to the ecosystem by being applied to a memorial garden or forest or simply put into the sewerage system. 得到的液体可以被生态系统回收利用,比如可以将其回收至墓地、森林或是直接排入城市污水系统。
This dissertation arose from my puzzle about the origin of the secret memorial system of Qing dynasty. 关于明代密疏的研究,直接缘起于学术界对清代密折制度的认识。
In order to control the indirect information flow, this paper employs the idea of the information flow model, and adds the memorial factor in the system states to record the read objects and to control the direction of information flow. 针对经典的BLP模型无法控制间接信息流的缺点,借鉴信息流模型的思想,在系统状态中增加记忆分量,记录主体所读的客体,控制信息向安全的方向流动。
In the process of identification, a bilinear model, based on which the identification equations are obtained, is used to describe the memorial restoring force of the nonlinear hysteretic system. 在识别过程中,将非线性迟滞系统的记忆恢复力用双折线模型来描述,并由此模型写出非线性迟滞系统的参数识别方程。
He presented to educational minister a memorial, appealing government for thinking highly of copyright and carrying out protecting the organizational system of legislation. 上书管学大臣,呼吁政府重视版权,并实施全国的立法建制保护。
Analysis of Resisting Interference Ability of Memorial Control System 存贮式控制系统抗干扰能力分析
A Frequency-Domain Synthesis Method of the Finite Memorial Optimum Linear System 有限记忆最佳线性系统的频率域综合方法
For a class of discrete systems with time-delay, a memorial state feedback controller is designed to enable the closed-loop system to be asymptotically stable with a minimum upper bound assigned to the performance index involving the worst uncertainty or disturbance. 针对一类离散时滞系统设计有记忆的状态反馈控制器,使得在最坏的干扰和不确定性下,闭环系统渐近稳定且性能指标存在一个最小上界。